Sing Ireland
What a great name for an organisation that promotes and encourages group singing in Ireland in all its forms. It previously existed as Cumann Náisiúnta na gCór (the national organisation for choirs) – quite a mouthful even for native Irish speakers! It was set up in 1980 by Dr Geoffrey Spratt and Aiveen Kearney in association with the Cork International Choral Festival. Dermot O’Callaghan has been its CEO now for a number of years. Dermot, a singer himself, has previously worked with Opera Theatre Company and Chamber Choir Ireland. His wide experience along with a calm, positive and personable nature ensure that enablement and encouragement are always a priority.
In the past two years I have had experienced this when commissioned by Sing Ireland to compose for The Irish Youth Training Choir (IYTC). Despite severe restrictions due to Covid, Dermot managed to hold the annual summer camp for the youth choirs in 2021 at the University of Limerick. Rehearsals were held in a marquee with flaps open to ensure plenty of air circulating and stringent measures were taken regarding social distancing; mask wearing was compulsory even while singing, as was keeping within a small group or ‘bubble’ for accommodation purposed. Added to this were requirements for PCR tests before arrival followed by antigen tests on the first two days. The organising skills needed were unprecedented. And the payoff: the young participants were undaunted by all of this and entered into singing with such enthusiasm and so glad, as we all were, to be meeting ‘in person’. The conductor Patrick Barrett managed to be exacting of the 16-18 -year olds while all the time creating a sense of fun. It was such a pleasure to see him in action. It wasn’t possible to have a public performance, but the choir sang to the delight of all present, including for staff at the outdoor café, and the new work It Matters (to a text by Donna Haraway) was professionally video recorded for online presentation.
What a contrast earlier this year when last July the group premiered the new work live (again under the indomitable direction of Patrick Barrett) first as part of a programme at UL and then a public performance in Dublin at WML 1 in Windmill Lane. Dermot, whose team includes Cecilia Molumby (development officer) and Lily Lacy (projects and membership officer) is now is ably assisted in a managerial role by the very experienced and highly qualified Jenny O’Connor- Madsen. The IYTC is only one branch of the tree of activities run by Sing Ireland: Go rachadhdís go léir ó neart go neart (may they all go from strength to strength).